Lost Before The Dawn
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"Lost Before The Dawn" has moved to a different host. Same plot, same chaos and adventures, new place. It can be found HERE. If anyone would like specific characters and threads moved, please contact Calypso over on the new site.

The admins want to thank everyone who made this version of LBTD amazing and gave us wonderful memories and fantastic rp adventures. We hope to see you on the new site! Over the next few weeks the site will be made private, but members will still be able to log in and get their stuff and read old threads.

To our wonderful affiliates: we will be re-adding you on the new site. Please bear with us :)

Lost In Thought // The Nomad

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by Jack Harkness Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:10 pm

running to the railroad track, run along with captain jack
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Staring into his latest empty glass of ale, Jack sighed and pushed the tankard away from him. Since coming to work for Torchwood, Jack had more or less given up drinking, both for recreational (though special occasions and New Year certainly didn't count) and for sorrow-drowning purposes. But the past week had given him more than enough reason to once again find solace in alcohol. Once again he'd been ripped away from his beloved team. One minute he'd been rounding up some Weevils with Gwen and Ianto, and the next minute he was being sucked into some sort of black hole. Jack was thankful that he'd landed in Albion and not in somewhere wretched like Skaro or Alfava Metraxis where he would be subjected to torture until the end of time itself; at least in Albion he got to interact with real humans. It wasn't a great silver lining, but it was something.

He'd hardly slept since being thrown into Albion. After killing off the latest pack of Balverines on his arrival (not being able to die had really helped against those stubborn beasts), he was revered by all the villagers of the tiny hamlet. He was given the house of the local carpenter who had long since moved out, and the villagers had brought enough food to last him a good few weeks, at least until the next supply wagon came around. In return he had to look out for the village at night, kill any Balverines that might get a bit too close for comfort, and make sure that the silver nitrate torches didn't go out. He'd only been supposed to do the first half of the night watch, but when no one came to replace him, Jack had ended up doing the entire watch. He hadn't minded at the time; unlike the rest of the villagers, he didn't need all that much sleep to survive.

But then as the nights passed, him having the entire watch became the regular thing. He tried to catch up on sleep during the day, but it was damn near impossible. Not only did the day noises wake him, but nightmares started. Jack hadn't had them in years, not since Owen and Tosh had died. And now they were back in full swing, plaguing his every sleeping second. They involved those that Jack loved dying, over and over again, each death more elaborate than the next. Most nights it was his Torchwood team that would be dying in his arms or all around him, but every once in a while past lovers and his family would get tangled up in the mix. Wretched wasn't nearly a strong enough word for it, and after a few days Jack began to avoid going to sleep. It left him feeling like a zombie, but the nightmares scared him so much that anything was preferable to having to go through them every single night.

Sighing, he picked up the tankard again, downed the last three drops and stood up. Crossing the cabin, he fell down onto the bed and allowed a groan to escape his lips. How he missed Cardiff! He missed the Hub, his friends, alcohol that actually got him drunk, normal food. Jack was grateful for the villagers to have taken him in and shared their provisions with him, especially since it seemed like they hardly had enough themselves, but oh what Jack wouldn't have done for a decent burger! Lazily he turned his head to look out the window, and a sigh left his lips. The sun was just beginning to set, meaning that he needed to get going to make it to the village before sundown, otherwise he'd be battling Balverines just to get from his porch. He pushed himself up, and threw his coat on. Time to go...

NOTES Please don't try and match my length! xD
OUTFIT Regular Jack outfit
CREDITS  Song "Captain Jack" ~ Template by Doe-Eyed Harlot of Caution.
Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness

Posts : 16
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Location : Silverpines

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by The Nomad Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:03 am

Damon sighed as he entered the TARDIS currently located in booth ☄☪⛧. This would be the 3rd TARDIS he had to manually check that the repairs were complete and if so go run the TARDIS through the standard test flight. He was already exhausted as several people skived off work today and to met the daily quota the normal groups of six to do the inspections they were forced to use groups of one today.

He started going through the pre-flight checks somewhat morosely as normally you get to chat with others during the whole inspection. Finding that everything checked out he started programming the first part of the test-run flight program. Suddenly after completing 42% of the test-flight several warning bells started going off. Damon started running around the console and started to try to figure out what was going wrong.

Shutting off the currently active alarms with a thought he started focusing and found that a dimensional disturbance had opened directly in his route. As routes through the time vertex are randomised using several different factors it's near impossibly to connect to the time corridor that the TARDIS keeps open during each flight and so Damon started to mildly panic, the war was just starting and he hoped that this wasn't the Daleks attempting to steal a TARDIS.

A small explosion above caused both a new alarm to sound and Damon to pick up speed. A TARDIS being repaired always has their conciseness somewhat muted to prevent them screaming throughout all time and space during the repairs, as he knew he couldn't escape the pull of the dimensional disturbance he started the process of waking the old girl up as he couldn't manually fly the TARDIS at speeds to prevent damage. Once the process to wake the TARDIS had started he quickly focused on flying to minimise damage to the exterior and interior of the TARDIS. So focused on flying the old girl Damon didn't notice the piece of metal scratching his check, the reinforced glass around the time rotor splintering, or any of the other numerous things that were slowly but surely damaging his body.

He did on the other hand notice when the regeneration energy started seeping out of his body and it was this point he had to stop flying the TARDIS. He stepped back and started focusing the excess regeneration energy to reinforce parts of the TARDIS before finally blacking out before both his regeneration process completed and the TARDIS crash landing in Albion. Surrounding the currently unconscious and completely unmarked new body of the gallifrayan previously known as Damon is the smouldering and somewhat on fire interior of the unlocked TARDIS.

NOTES Had trouble sleeping and felt inspired to write this, to help me figure out what to put in my intro.
OUTFIT Currently tattered and damaged Time Lord clothes.
The Nomad
The Nomad

Posts : 8
Gold : 40055

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by Jack Harkness Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:03 pm

running to the railroad track, run along with captain jack
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
His thoughts million of miles away from here, Jack trudged along the forest path, not even really noticing where he was going. His feet dragged him to the village of their own accord, taking him to his duties despite him not wanting to go. He knew that if he didn't show up, there would be blood on his hands, and frankly he'd had enough of that to last him a lifetime. He didn't want anyone else dying because of him. He was thouroughly sick of all the death that seemed to follow him; he wanted to be a saviour, like the Doctor, not an Angel of Death.

A small explosion drew Jack out of his melancholy thoughts and made his turn his gaze to the sky, his right hand instinctively flying to his gun. He watched as a giant object fell out of the sky, landing with a resounding crash several meters away. Flames started licking at the box, just as a door gaped wide open. He sprinted up to the object, peering inside, and a worried frown creased his face as he saw that there was a body inside. Rushing inside and up to the body, Jack instinctively placed his head onto the man's chest, trying to hear a heartbeat. Failing that, he brushed the tattered collar from the youth's neck and placed two fingers on his neck to feel for a pulse. For a long minute he sat there, not daring to breath in case he missed it. Finally he felt it. The pulse was weak, but it was there, and Jack gave a sigh of relief that he hadn't realised that he'd been holding. "Hey, wake up," he uttered softly, placing a hand on the man's shoulder and giving him a slight shake.

He looked out of the doorway, frowning as he saw the sun beginning to dip behind the forest. There wasn't much time. Any moment now a horde of Balverines could emerge, eager to rip them both to shreds. Jack wasn't much worried about himself, but he did worry about the unconscious man beside him. He wasn't sure how well he'd be able to save him if they got attacked on their way to the village. Not to mention the flames seemed to be spreading as it was suddenly getting a lot hotter in the room. They had to leave right now if they didn't want to be eaten or burned alive. "C'mon, you gotta wake up," he said again, urgency creeping into his tone. He looked around him, scanning the area. Thankfully no Balverines were near just yet, but it was all just a matter of time. Gently he gave the guy a couple of quick slaps on the cheeks in attempt to wake him, though careful for them not to be hard enough to hurt him. "We have to leave right now...!"

NOTES Jack Muse is happy now that he's finally getting to meet people xD
OUTFIT Regular Jack outfit
CREDITS  Song "Captain Jack" ~ Template by Doe-Eyed Harlot of Caution.
Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness

Posts : 16
Gold : 38060
Location : Silverpines

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by The Nomad Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:44 pm

First he felt warm and ached all over similarly to what growing pains felt like, then there was a hand on his shoulder shaking him, followed by a slightly urgent voice. Hearing the urgent voice he tried to decipher the spoken language.

The slaps on his check while soft helped him focus, and due to gallifreyan’s slight telepathic abilities he was able to gleam only surface thoughts without being detected. By the time the slaps had finished he had identified the spoken language and the concept that danger was coming. Jumping up quickly at this point appeared to be a mistake as he overbalanced and nearly fell back down to the ground.

He quickly glanced around now that he was both up and relatively stable, he was in a default console room that appeared to have been drastically damaged. “True, we can’t be inside during Regeneration or Self-Repair mode.” He replied as he started heading to what appeared to be a nearby exit. After a few moments of stumbling he asked the slightly taller man “Could you help me out? I’m not sure how fast I can move.”

As soon as the two exited the TARDIS, the door behind them swung shut and automatically locked. During Self-Repair mode a TARDIS vents oxygen from the inside which would kill all the flames as it started work on rebuilding its interior dimensions. This process takes a variable amount of time depending on the damage taken and the amount of artron energy available.

“Thanks for the help, …” He said waiting for the man to introduce himself before he attempted to introduce himself. “I’m ……., ah, let’s see. Don’t think it’s Amond, or Damon. While both Odman and Andom seem wrong. Nomad seems somewhat familiar on the other hand.” he mumbled to himself. “It’s nice to meet you, I think I'm called The Nomad.” he said as he held his hand out in greeting.
The Nomad
The Nomad

Posts : 8
Gold : 40055

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by Jack Harkness Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:43 pm

running to the railroad track, run along with captain jack
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It took him a while to realise that this box that he was standing on was bigger than it had appeared on the outside. He frowned, looking around him. It didn't look like any TARDIS he'd ever been in, though he'd only been in just the one so he didn't have all that much to compare to. But surely TARDIS's didn't all look the same, did they? If they were, the Time Lords were an incredibly boring lot.

As the man started talking about regeneration, Jack looked at him curiously, studying him. He only knew one person that had a bigger-on-the-inside box and could regenerate. His eyes widened slightly and it took all his self-control not to gape and envelope the man in a hug. Could it really be?! After all this time, could it really be that he'd found the Doctor? It wasn't the face that he remembered, and the man hadn't shown any glimmer of recognition, but the crash had been quite dreadful and the smoke certainly couldn't be helping any memory functions.

At the request, Jack nodded, striding over and closing the gap between them before slipping under the male's armpit so his arm was across Jack's back. He placed his right arm against the other's back and slowly the two hobbled out of the burning mess. As the fresh air hit him, he gulped it in, glad for its coolness after the hot burning air. He ran a hand through his hair, before flashing a crooked smile. "Any time."

Nomad. Jack's shoulders slumped impercebitly and the expectant smile was replaced with his usual charming grin that was reserved for handsome strangers. "Captain Jack Harkness at your service," he gave a mock salute and a wink. "A shame it had to be under such circumstances." He cast a sideways look at the sky again, but the setting sun seemed slower than usual today, giving the pair of them more time. His eyes darted about, looking for any predators just in case they decided to get an early snack. Not seeing anything, he turned his attention back to his companion. "I don't think your box is gonna love you very much after that crash. What were you in such a rush to get away from?" he asked with a laugh.

OUTFIT Regular Jack outfit
CREDITS  Song "Captain Jack" ~ Template by Doe-Eyed Harlot of Caution.
Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness

Posts : 16
Gold : 38060
Location : Silverpines

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by The Nomad Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:00 pm

The gallifreyan noticed the flirtatious wink and gave the man a quick once over before remembering that they were apparently in danger and decided to wait and see if he could subtly feel up the captain when he was being used as a crutch. Noticing the captain’s eyes darting around he realised that there must be some sort of creature or brigands that inhabit these woods. Hearing the question the young looking time lord replied and ended on a somewhat solemn note “I’m not sure what happened as I’m a bit fuzzy on details. I think today was the first day I stepped inside her and I hope she realises I did all I could to have both of us survive.”

A few moments later he heard an unfamiliar pitter-patter of paws off in the distance. Quickly getting the attention of Captain Harkness the gallifreyan pointed out the direction he heard the noises. Leaning on the captain to allow the recently regenerated time lord to be stabilised and allow quicker movement. The Nomad wisely controlled his facial features to prevent any changes from his subtle feel up of the man’s shoulders.
The Nomad
The Nomad

Posts : 8
Gold : 40055

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by Jack Harkness Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:27 pm

running to the railroad track, run along with captain jack
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jack cocked his head to the side, studying the Nomad, the grin not leaving his lips. "The bigger on the inside box, being able to regenerate. I know what you are," he uttered, eyes locked on the attractive Gallifreyan. "You're a Time Lord. And that's a TARDIS," he continued, with a nod towards the box. "Or at least it was. Hope she can fix herself up again after that test-drive," he added with a joking chuckle. He wanted to ask Nomad if he knew about the Doctor, and if he did, what was happening with him. But he stopped himself, shutting the topic of the Doctor far away in his mind in a dark cupboard where only melancholy memories resided. The Doctor didn't care about him any more; so why should he?

Running a hand through his hair, he gazed thoughtfully at Nomad's TARDIS, wondering how they could fix her up again. If she needed fixing up; maybe she'd do it all herself and repair herself, like the Time Lords who drove her. Feeling Nomad's hand on his shoulder, Jack quickly looked over at him, then in the direction he was pointing. His ears strained to hear what Nomad picked up on, and just as he thought his companion might be imagining things, he heard a lone howl, piercing the still ear. Looking down at the male leaning against him, he flashed him a get-ready-because-things-are-about-to-get-tricky look and grin. "Welcome back to the Grand Adventures Of Captain Jack Harkness. Tonight's episode - not getting killed by Balverines. Option A - we run and hope they don't catch us although they probably will, or Option B - we shoot our way out. How are you with a gun?"

NOTES I dunno where this inspiration came from but yay that it did. Also, kinda worried about my ICness of Jack. If you notice him not being played right, lemme know please!
OUTFIT Regular Jack outfit
CREDITS  Song "Captain Jack" ~ Template by Doe-Eyed Harlot of Caution.
Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness

Posts : 16
Gold : 38060
Location : Silverpines

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by The Nomad Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:19 pm

The Nomad heard Captain Harkness’ thought out statement and realised he must know of another time-lord, one who might be able to help him remember his past but thought to himself that this sort of conversation would be better to take place in a safer place. “She’ll be fine,” he reassured the worried captain, “within twenty-four hours she’ll be good as new and then she can be safely moved.”

Hearing the captain give two options for their survival, he decided that he would do what he could to not act as a damsel in distress and aide the knowledgeable captain until he had gained his footing in this strange and non-technological looking world. Thinking about if he had used guns in the past came up with a flash of a few memories where he had held a range of guns from different time periods causing him to reply with “Moderate to good, though it normally takes a few shots before I acclimatise to its recoil.”

He then careful removed his arm from its comfortable resting place and moved over to a nearby tree which could stabilise himself and allow him to shoot assuming that the captain was prepared and had multiple weapons. He had just reached the tree as he heard the pitter-patter of paws much closer than when he told the captain about it.
The Nomad
The Nomad

Posts : 8
Gold : 40055

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by Jack Harkness Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:26 pm

running to the railroad track, run along with captain jack
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Like Time-Lord, like machine, Jack thought with a wry smile at Nomad's comment that in 24 hours would be alright again. He wondered if Nomad's TARDIS, when fixed, could get him out of this place. The machine was supposed to travel through all of time and space, so logic dictated that it should be able to get them out of Albion. He hoped that he could test this theory out sooner rather than later, because he missed Cardiff and his team way too much to stick around here for much longer.

Jack nodded at the answer, striding over to the Nomad and taking off the rifle holster off his back, he handed it to him. "It doesn't pack too big a punch with the recoil, but watch your shoulder." He unsheathed his sword and examined it for a minute before turning his attention back to Nomad. "Balverines are nasty buggers. They're fast, tough, and can jump several metres into the air. So watch your back. I'll try to keep them away from you and if you get in trouble, just give a yell."

Another howl sounded and Jack couldn't help but frown. Not one evening hadn't gone by when the beasts hadn't shown up. Jack wasn't sure of their procreation methods, but they must have been at it like rabbits every night because even if he managed to kill them all one night, more Balverines would be waiting outside the village the very next evening. After a while, Jack stopped bothering to kill them. If some got too close to the village for comfort, Jack would shoot them, but otherwise he let the silver-nitrate torches do their job. Bullets were expensive, after all, and there was no point in wasting them on things that bred faster than flies. He took several strides away from Nomad so the creatures would focus on him first, shooting the other male a cheeky grin over his shoulder. "Shoot everything that moves and you'll be fine...!"

NOTES Can you please start the Balverines off? I really don't want to be the one to start them off xD
OUTFIT Regular Jack outfit
CREDITS  Song "Captain Jack" ~ Template by Doe-Eyed Harlot of Caution.
Jack Harkness
Jack Harkness

Posts : 16
Gold : 38060
Location : Silverpines

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Lost In Thought // The Nomad Empty Re: Lost In Thought // The Nomad

Post by The Nomad Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:51 pm

After getting a stance ready the helpful captain handed over his rifle before drawing his sword and advising the young appearing time lord about their foe.  Quickly take note of the advice he nodding before focusing to increase his senses. He like other time lords often decreased their senses to earth human norms to make things more interesting for them, only in times like this such as earlier in the crashing TARDIS where he chooses not to hold himself back or else he or others could die. Focusing his eye sight and hearing he attempted to triangulate exactly where those creatures would pop out hoping to give the brave captain that’s facing them with a melee weapon some respite.

Suddenly the two men started to hear growls and snarls coming from around them, it was as if the balverines had attempted to sneak up to their prey and decided to make the bulk of their noise once they had gotten close enough that they felt that their prey would escape them. As a few beasts come bursting out of the trees, The Nomad took careful breaths as he calculated the trajectory of the bullet before moving the gun and letting of one purposeful shot.

‘Damm’ he thought and swore to himself as he noted that the bullet had missed what he was aiming for, though he was somewhat relieved that it had actually grazed the correct balverine. It was as if the shot he did started the battle and he knew that he had to stay calm during the battle or else bad things could occur. He choose not to watch to make sure the bullets hit as that would eat away his shots per minute and continued his pattern of calculating trajectory, aiming, and shooting.

Lost In Thought // The Nomad Oie_tr12
The Nomad
The Nomad

Posts : 8
Gold : 40055

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